As discussed previously on Voiceless Music Radio, it takes a lot to be considered "king" in any genre of music or any facet of life. However, if you do it, make sure to back it up.
That is easily the case with today's SoundCloud Sunday honoree, King Kid Love. As refereed to me by Akira Adel, the young man has a very humble character about him but there isn't anything but pure rhyme skill in his lyrics. With a look fresh out of the 90s but a poetic style of the 2000s, we can say KKL has staying power and a lyricist on the rise.
Check out my three favorites, the ambitious "King Kid Love For President", "N.I.G.G.A" and a freestyle on everyone's favorite beat, Holy Grail.
- DJ Mainstream, Voice Of The Voiceless
Soundcloud Sunday: King Kid Love
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