Voiceless Music Radio Presents Roger Ortega & Byrdy

Another entertaining show this past week on Voiceless Music Radio as we introduced the Roger Ortega and Byrdy!

Roger Ortega had his RoRo's tuned in this week as DJ Mainstream discuss in-depth about his career so far including is rise in the indies, his undeniable connection with his fans and #BootySlap!

Byrdy, a longtime friend of both DJ Mainstream & DJ Mastermind,  also was on the show, who discussed his transition from print ad and commercial modeling, to his original love of music, specifically rapping... which he just started A WEEK AGO (check out the video & podcast to get why we said this)

It all went down last Thursday! Check it out below!

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream


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