Its Nitty & The Knight On #VoicelessMusicRadio This Week!

This week on Voiceless Music Radio with DJ Mastermind and DJ Mainstream...

For the first time ever, Nitty Scott joins us live on air! What will the famed indie star in her first ever sit down with our DJs?

And a man no stranger to our show, Frank Knight, returns as he plans to make big moves for 2015 including something special performance wise with DJ Mainstream... 

And alongside Dennis of, we will be joined by two ladies no stranger to the airwaves, Alexia & Rashidah!

And finally we continue to discuss Meek Mill, Drake, Safaree, and all things Hip-Hop drama in our Voiceless Corner along with spilling the beans on our event next Tuesday, A Night For The Voiceless!

Its Episode 95: Nitty & The Knight...
10pm EST
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