Greg Owens - The Greg Owens Project (Mixtape)

We've been waiting for it... and now it's here. Midwest's Greg Owens drops his well-crafted mixtape The Greg Owens Project. 

As we have become the authority in independent artist, one thing we've always stressed is taking time to invest in your craft. And with this being Owens' first project in 4 years, his well thought-out collabs with different styles of artist like J-Von Baringer and Ryan Alan fits his electic production. 

Of course there are the well known stand outs "Tired Of Being Broke" and the remix to "F.A.A.D", but to us, it's the chest pounding positive vibe of "It's All Good" that overall shows Owens' growth and acceptance of being a MC in this crowded game. We suggest you give The Greg Owens Project a listen, and if you love it, download it!


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