As Written By Lady Sen: AMG (Melo feat. Euroflo & Ju$$ B) - Miami

Today, we feature the "Pop Culture Princess", Lady Sen as she debuts here on Voiceless Music! Check out her feature below.

Something to add to your playlist is AMG‘s latest drop, ‘Miami’ featuring Ju$$-B, EuroFlo, and Melo.

One thing after another with this group. First Ju$$ dropped his visual’s to “Popstyle” remix. Then before we knew it Euro and Ju$$ took on Summer Saturdays with Wes Love, right before heading to Martha’s Vineyard for some magic of there own. Now they’re dropping new music.  One thing I’m starting to love about this movement, its constantly moving.

But back to the track at hand, “Miami’ is a pretty dope track and to be honest I’ve been bumping it for about a week now. The beat is a little addicting, in my opinion.

The breakdown of the track, according to AMG, is basically the boys interpreting what "Miami" means to them.  Though the explanation is a little cheesy I promise you this track is from from that.

Give it a listen below and see for yourself.


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