Rayne Storm - Dogecoin (Run It Up)

 In a matter of weeks, everyone turned from conspiracy theorists to hedge fund/investment traders. But can you blame them? Gamestop went from a place you get $60 games and a $10 return for a trade in, to the company that made people hundreds to thousands. But for today's feature, no matter how you get it, we gonna run it up. 

Fresh off his appearance in Kony Brooks' latest visual, Rayne Storm is ready to maintain his own investments in his career as the MC kicks off his 2021 with a brand new single. With a focus on taking that bag talk to another level, the "Uptown Baby" artist capitalizes on the social media financial talk.

A true head nodder for the masses, Storm gives us the keys to the next big thing... him, and that's without getting removed from Robinhood. Check out "Dogecoin (Run It Up)" below.


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