DJ Mainstream: Mr2TheP, glad to finally have a chance to do this interview with you. You've been a busy man recently
Mr2TheP: Yeah, gotta stay busy or act busy. I've never been too much of a actor even though I rap (laughs)
Well (laughs) you don't seem very nervous or timid when your filming your vids. How did you become so natural behind the camera?
I'm not scared of public speaking or looking like an ass (laughs). Once I saw my vision come to life as far as making a song (then I can see it) come to life by making a music video. (It) was motivation and working with talented directors like Marc Wood who really saw my vision even before I did. Sometimes (he) made it look effortless.
And it does look effortless. I literally see a new video every month on YouTube. How do you balance between making videos and studio time.
I do everything spaced, I'll shoot 6 to 8 videos in like a 2 months period and do all my recording for the other 10... followed with shows. As far as finding time to create... when you look for something you (will) never find it, so I don't make time for my dream... I live, breathe, sleep this. I'm lucky if I have time to balance my personal life and family life but at the end of the day, it's all balance.
I think thats great advice to give alot of up and comers: find a balance. But it sure looks like you don't plan on slowing down any time soon. And now I see you've brought #BeachLife from trending topic to statewide brand. How did #BeachLife lifestyle start?
#BeachLife is my Taylor Gang, it's my music movement for people I meet. And tell them I rap, (but) just like everyone in the world, they pre-judge and if you only hear one song, you have the wrong impression of who I am as a human being or the legacy I wanna leave when I pass on so I feel with #BeachLife it can be the driving force toward leaving a positive impact on the world.
Well, I have no shame to admit that I became a fan and I am a proud member of the #BeachLife movement.
Thanks man I appreciate that.
But every leader of a movement has a beginning. When did this talent of spitting start?
I grew up entering MC battles when I was 15-19, that was my life... the underground scene... grimy hip-hop spots.
Have to hone your skills somewhere.
Yeah, then after High School, me and my two best friends, Richard Rocka and Sleek Sheek, the two who still to this day make all my beats, mixing, and mastering.
The Beat Mafia is what they go by now but after High School we started a group with another close friend, Wyld Wes, you might have seen him in "808 Kickdrum" and "All Out"
Not at all... wow, what a story. Not many artist can say they've done as much as you and accomplished what you have. What's next for Mr2TheP?
What's next is to stay creating with my team and building on new projects with my circle of artist I currently fuck with. I got my 3rd solo project droppin' at the end of October, S.T.D. Vol. 3 Infected and my self titled EP Preston Zeke Gomez droppin' January 2013. Just (gonna) stay promoting Vol. 2 #GetTested, shooting music videos and getting booked wherever and whenever I can. Pushing #beachlife as a brand, lifestyle and movement.
That's what's up. I'll keep supporting you. Thanks for the interview.
Man, thank you.
Contact Mr2TheP here:
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Official Website
#BeachLife Community Group
Contact Mr2TheP here:
Facebook Fan Page
Official Website
#BeachLife Community Group
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