The Vocalists Run The 2017 Voiceless Music Awards: Saay, Ra[K]oon and Shenna win BIG!

With all eyes on Amarachi Lounge, the singers of the independent scene dominated our 4th annual live show. What began as a wild night, easily turned into an iconic one as DJ Mainstream was replaced by the announced winner of The Compilation of the Year winner, The Silent Celeb!

And as she moved the show along, we quickly realized it was the singers night! With Saay Park picking up 2 awards (Best Collab and BREAKOUT Artist) and Ra[K]oon taking home all 3 awards he was nominated in (Best Vocalist, Best Live Performer and Best WVMR-NY Song], it was evident the vocalist were looking to dominate!

But it was Shenna, already a winner of Best Female Artist and Best Video for "So-Low", took home the big award of the night... Artist Of The Year and historically becomes the first ever Miss Voiceless Music! Click below for all the winners and we will see you next year for 2018! 


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