Breaking News: Ant the Rebel's 2nd event

Designed by Blake Duncanson

Claim The Throne
was a success and we are only going to keep the ball rolling. This next event provides individuals a chance to network among different industries. It will bring fashion with music,  technology with politics, and all other combinations.  This is a collaborated event with Children of the Summer, Underscore  LLC, and of course, Voiceless Music. Without further a due,  I present 


This event will occur July 22nd from 2 to 10p.m. at The Living Gallery located in Brooklyn, NY. This event is opened to all ages! There will be a networking part, a mini fashion show, a showing of independent TV series/ films, and an artist showcase to top the night off as well. There will also be some food at the event as well. 

Here are the prices 

General Admission: $10. You can purchase your ticket on Eventbrite.  Click here for purchase. 

Artist Performance: $25 for a 10 minute set, photography, video of performance, a track entered in WVMR radio rotation, and a free write up at my cost.  You can pay via venmo or paypal. 

Vendor:  $40 to showcase art work, painting, photos, or cuisines.

If you are interested in participating in The Voiceless Meet Up, email me at  and let's make miracles happen.  

Hope to see everyone there because it will be good vibes. Peace


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