A Minute With Mainstream: "I think I will call it a rebrand for the final time"

It’s a rainy day in New York and per usual, I’m sitting on the wonderfully overpriced Metropolitan Transit Authority’s train heading home. But today feels different. Today, I made a decision. Today, I had just finished updating my pride and joy: VoicelessMusic.com

9 months ago, I closed these doors and this chapter not realizing something essential to this story: I definitely closed the wrong doors. Yes, once again in some form WVMR failed but it didn’t “fail” at teaching me a valuable lesson in branding. To be honest, I think I will call it a rebrand for the final time. From here on out I keep it going or someone gotta buy me out.


Voiceless Music is back. Still reviewing artists' music submitted to us (admin@voicelessmusic.com), still helping promote all things independent, and still doing podcasts with my show coming back soon. Still VM.

The difference is simple, a message to all creatives out there stuck in a rut, block, or whatever metaphysical term you wanna use…

Listen to your conscience.

Whether it be that “little voice” in your head, the voice of the man (or woman) in the mirror, or the actual voice of a savant, just listen. Don’t shut down what HAS been working for what could be when what could be is for ALL the wrong reasons.

Make it simple. Make it worthwhile. Make it last. It’s time to shake things up again. Time to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Time to become the face of the brand… 

New episodes of Make The Caul podcast coming soon, a podcast dedicated to the classic days of Voiceless Music are coming soon including posting old podcasts so artists can get this backpay revenue, and a... wrestling podcast? 

Sincerely, yours truly, the LEGIT Voice of the Voiceless.

- DJ Mainstream


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